Monday 9 April 2012

Wompoo pigeon

Wompoo pigeons are one of the most delightful sights in the natural world. Just take a look at our photo's here and tell me you are not impressed by the colours that are on display. The Wompoo pigeon has several distinct shades of green an awe inspiring purple throat and neck with a golden underbelly that is replicated on parts of its wings.

Monday 2 April 2012

Eastern whipbird

The Eastern whipbird is a very secretive and reclusive individual. These birds if left undisturbed will be happy to hop upon the ground turning over the leaf litter in the wet scrub and rainforest. It is not until your presence has been brought to the Eastern whipbird's attention that it will very promptly and discreetly fly and hop away. To approach the Eastern whipbird requires a great deal of patience, thought, and a fair amount of luck.

Sunday 1 April 2012


The Kookaburra is an icon of the Australian bush and indeed is King and Queen of the kingfisher family, being the largest of the species. A great deal of affection is displayed by Australians to the Kookaburra and everyone would dearly love to have one in their back yard.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Red backed fairy wren

The Red backed fairy wren is a communal bird like a fair number of the wrens here in Australia and it is not an uncommon site to see a male bird with several females. Red backed fairy wrens are normally found in small thickets, shrubs and heavily grassed or tussock areas these small birds are predominantly found on or close to ground level and are happy to just hop along the ground turning over the leaf litter in search of insects and their larvae.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Blue crane

The White faced heron is also referred to as the Blue crane. This is a wading bird that can be found throughout Australia. White faced herons are found either singularly or in pairs. The White faced heron can be found wading in the shallows of virtually every creek, river system of coastal or inland Australia and on lakes or inland dams, this is the species most often encountered within Australia in the heron family.

Monday 26 March 2012

Blue faced honeyeater

Blue faced honeyeater's are a very distinctive bird and one of the easiest of all the honeyeater's to identify due to its colouring around the eye's and ears. The Blue faced honeyeater is often found in the company of the Noisy miner and Rainbow Lorikeet. These are all birds that are found within local parks and suburban gardens as well as a variety of different local bushland and farmland settings.

Saturday 24 March 2012

White-breasted woodswallow

The White-breasted woodswallows that are found in my local area are seen close to our river this is a salt water river and these birds flourish and are in quite good numbers. These White-breasted woodswallows are often seen in pairs or small groups of up to several individuals, although in some areas it is believed that the White-breasted woodswallow can form larger groups of up to 100 birds